You can create as many as product showcase carousel like shown below with just a few clicks. There are many layout options and alternatives are available for the carousel module and shortcode. Displaying titles, descriptions and prices has been enabled for the example below.
Product Showcase Carousels
classic product carouselSample 1
Dog Chow 8 Kg
$ 15.100
Estanque Estacionario para el almacenamiento de líquidos
- Capacidad: 5.000 litros - Componentes: Salida PVC 2″ -Tapa registro 450 mm.
boxed product carouselSample 2
Another carousel sample that placed in a “boxed columns” styled content row.
Dog Chow 8 Kg
$ 15.100
Estanque Estacionario para el almacenamiento de líquidos
- Capacidad: 5.000 litros - Componentes: Salida PVC 2″ -Tapa registro 450 mm.
Bebedero rectangular
- Dimensiones 2280 x 970 x 480 mm (largo x ancho x alto).- - Capacidad 600 litros.
Bebedero plástico circular
- Diámetro 1810 mm diámetro/ alto 570 mm alto. - Capacidad 1000 litros, anidable, totalmente liso, con esquinas redondeadas, fácil de limpiar.
framed product carouselSample 3
Another carousel sample that used “rt-frame” class name that applies a frame with shadow to the used elements.